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List of available episodes:  FBD


Responding in God’s Love pt1  010525

Responding in God’s Love pt1  010525



The Application 122924

The Paradox 122224

The Solution 121524

The Issue  120824


God’s Sovereignty Raising Kids pt2  113024

God’s Sovereignty Raising Kids pt1  112324

God Centered Submission pt2  111724

God Centered Submission pt1  111024

God Centered Obedience pt1  110324

God Centered Appeal pt2  102724

God Centered Appeal pt1  102024

Dare to be a Daniel pt6 101324

Dare to be a Daniel pt5 100624

Dare to be a Daniel pt4  092924

Dare to be a Daniel pt3  092224

Dare to be a Daniel pt2  091524

Dare to be a Daniel pt1  090824

Introduction to this new WCFS Bible and Science Series:

This series of programs will discuss a) the scriptures, b) the sciences that support the scriptures, and c) how these all work together to form fundamental truths and bolster your faith in God’s word. After the introduction, this program included a quick review of Genesis Chapter 1, a discussion on the concept of “truth,” and an explanation of the “bait and switch” tactics of evolutionism.

The Bible and the Science series pt24  090124
Recap Part2

Programs #24 In this session, we do a quick recap of all of the programs. The purpose is to show three things:1) To describe, in a single session (OKtwo) how ALL of the areas of science support the scriptures; not just isolated topics.2) To share a quick summary of each topic so that, if interested, you can listen to any particular session again.3) To express one last time, that you can trust the word of God, from cover to cover. Never let anyone disturb that trust by interjecting their opinions and false science!

The Bible and the Science series pt23  082524
Recap Part1

Programs #23 In this session, we do a quick recap of all of the programs. The purpose is to show three things:1) To describe, in a single session (OKtwo) how ALL of the areas of science support the scriptures; not just isolated topics.2) To share a quick summary of each topic so that, if interested, you can listen to any particular session again.3) To express one last time, that you can trust the word of God, from cover to cover. Never let anyone disturb that trust by interjecting their opinions and false science!

The Bible and Science series pt22 081724
The Creator’s Incredible Creatures

I first became fascinated by “Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution” when a fellow by the name of Dr. Jobe Martin produced a series of videos by this name back in 2006. Since that time, Dr. Martin has probably produced a dozen or so more videos of numerous creatures. It is difficult to decide which creatures to discuss. They are all so fascinating. So – I provided a brief discussion of a few of my favorites.

The Bible and Science series pt21 081124
Are Scientific Facts & Laws Subject to Change?

All too often, today’s scientists, teachers, doctors, and the media would like you to believe that scientific facts and laws are subject to change; in other words there is no such thing as truth.  This is a direct attack on God, and His Word. This discussion shows that the scientific facts are confirmed each and every day.

The Bible and Science series pt20 080424
Genesis 1 Applications: What Difference Does it Make?

Genesis 1 application principles:  What difference does it make? Who cares if I believe in creation or evolution? In this discussion, we will review twelve of the basic scriptural principles that are rooted in Genesis Chapter 1.

The Bible and Science series pt19 072824
Intelligent Design

Historically, man has easily recognized God’s hand in the design of the universe and particularlylife. We recognize intelligent design regularly; on a daily basis. But how do we recognize thatintelligence? This discussion addressesthat question, and firmly establishes that God is thesource of intelligence.

The Bible and Science series pt18 072124

Noah’s Flood – What Happened?

Over the years, there have been numerous ideas as to “what happened” during Noah’s Flood. The truth is, God could have done it any way He wanted to. But as we look at the evidence around the earth, what processes appear to have been the most likely? In this discussion, we will briefly review 5 possibilities and which processes seem to fit the data the best.

The Bible and Science series pt17 071424
Chimp to Human DNA

Evolutionists have evaluated the vast differences in chimps and humans along with the time frame available for those changes to occur given the evolutionary chimp to human mutation dogma. Based on those criteria, they then “calculated” that the chimp DNA must be 99% the same as human DNA, otherwise this evolution time frame would not be sufficient. However, the recent genome studies have clearly shown that the Chimp DNA and the Human DNA are nowhere near 99% the same.

The Bible and Science series pt16 070724

This discussion is also enormous. This discussion will briefly discuss some of the key points of dinosaurs and will then concentrate on the fact that dinosaurs and man walked on the earth together not all that long ago.

Special Program: Independence Day with Jay Auxt  063024

The Bible and Science series pt15 062324

The topic of “fossils” is enormous. Fossils are fascinating, but it is difficult to describe such amazing artifacts without the use of photographs. Consequently, this discussion will briefly describe six key points.

The Bible and Science series pt14 061624
Distant Starlight and Time

This discussion takes a deeper look at starlight from deep space. In this discussion, we clear up some issues between facts and theories, and discuss some facts that are both scientifically and Biblically consistent. We also discuss the flaws of old age ideology and the dangers of presenting these false isms.

The Bible and Science series pt13 060924
The James Webb Satellite

The Big Bang theory is in serious trouble. NASA has spent billions of dollars enhancing the Hubble telescope for the purpose of providing useful information in support of this Big Bang theory, however, with each enhancement, the information discovered by the Hubble Telescope has merely continued to dispel the Big Bang Theory. Consequently, NASA spent 10 billion dollars to launch the James Webb Telescope to resolve these issues. Yet, the data discovered by the James Webb Telescope have also confirmed that the Big Bang theory should more accurately be called the Big Bust Theory.

The Bible and Science series pt12 060224
How to Think Biblically about Climate Change

This is a “hot topic” today. Our government spends over a half a trillion dollars a year trying to “solve this problem.” But is this problem real? This discussion describes many of the half-truths promoted by the global warming alarmists and illustrates how God has designed this earth so that sustained global warming is impossible.

The Bible and Science series pt11 052624
Genetic Entropy 

Is evolution by random mutations and natural selection even possible?  This discussion focuses on the fallacies of this concept.  The primary resource is an excellent book by Dr, John Sanford, with the title, “Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome.”  Dr. Sanford discusses numerous reasons why evolution is scientifically impossible.  This discussion will focus on only six of those reasons. 

The Bible and Science series pt10 051924
Science that proves that a Supreme Being must exist

When talking about creation or evolution, we ordinarily provide “evidence for”
one or the other. Since the origin of the universe was in the past and no laboratory experiment can prove this origin one way or another, many scientists will say that creation is just religion. But is that true? This program discusses three areas where science, not man’s belief system, can prove the existence of God.

The Bible and Science series pt9 051224
Genesis Chapter 1 revealed throughout the scriptures


This program focuses on the scriptures. The creation, as described in Genesis Chapter 1 is mentioned over 500 times in the scriptures! This begs the question, IF these passages are not referring to the specific creation as described in Genesis chapter 1, what other (so called) creation event could these passages be referring to? We need to fully understand the impact of God’s creation in the balance of scriptures. It is not just a side issue.

The Bible and Science series pt8 050524

Mt St Helens

This program will be discussing the explosive evidence for creation provided by the Mt St Helens eruptions that occurred in 1980. These eruptions turned science completely upside down by clearly demonstrating how violent catastrophes can explain the geology that we see all around the world.

The Bible and Science series pt7 042824

The Biblical age of the earth and rock dating

The Bible and Science series pt6 042124

The Biblical age of the earth and radiometric dating

This program first discussed the age of the earth from a purely Biblical basis. The Bible does not “suggest” that the earth is only thousands of years old. It specifically tells us that it is only thousands of years old. But what about radiometric dating? Doesn’t radiometric dating “prove” that the earth is billions of years old? The program next discussed radiometric dating by the Carbon 14 method which always confirms an age of thousands of years; not millions or billions.

The Bible and Science series pt5 041424
Creation of life and the marvels of DNA

This program first discussed the intricacies of the Biblical creation of the various life forms. The program continued by discussing the evolutionary “Bait and Switch” tactic used by evolutionists and then discussed various aspects of the DNA that defy evolutionism.

The Bible and Science series pt4 040724
Blasphemy and Biology

Blasphemy / God’s incredible design of life

This program discussed one definition of “blasphemy,” denying God credit where credit is due. The program then briefly discussed various aspects of His special design in biology.


The Palms of Resurrection  033124

The Palms of Annointing  032424

The Bible and Science series pt3  031724
Are Millions of Years in the Bible?

Biblical conflict with (false) science / geology

This program discusses the devastation of people’s faith by accepting the false science of millions of years. All too often, too many people accept this false science which erodes their trust in God’s word. How did this false science become so popular? This program continued with a discussion of geology and how true science supports the scriptures.

The Bible and Science series pt2  031024
What is a Day?

The word “Day” and distant starlight

This program discusses the Biblical use of the word “Day” and distant starlight reaching the earth in a single day. The Bible teaches us that the stars were created and visible on “Day 4.” This program discusses the various definitions of the word “Day,” the Hebrew word “Yom,” and how the only definition possible in this passage is for a normal cyclical day. The program continued with a fully Biblical explanation as to how the distant starlight created on Day 4, could be visible on the same day.

The Bible and Science series pt1  030324
The Bible and Science Agree

Family by Design pt 5  022524

Family by Design pt 4  021824

Family by Design pt3  021124

Family by Design pt2  020424

Family by Design pt1  012824



Freedom from Fear  102223

Dare to be a Daniel pt6  101523

Dare to be a Daniel pt5  100823


Dare to be a Daniel pt4  100123

Dare to be a Daniel pt3  092423

Dare to be a Daniel pt 2  091723

Dare to be a Daniel pt 1  091023

Responding in God’s Love pt2  090323

Responding in God’s Love pt1  082723

God Centered Obedience pt1  082023

God Centered Appeal pt2  081323

God Centered Appeal pt1  080623

The Law the Word and the Family 073023

God’s sovereignty raising kids pt2  072323

God’s sovereignty raising kids pt1  071623

God-centered submission pt2  070923

God-centered submission pt1  0702523

God-centered obedience pt1  062523

God-centered appeal pt2  061823

God-centered appeal pt1  061123

God’s Design for the Family 060423

Dare to be a Daniel pt6  052813

Dare to be a Daniel pt5  051213


Dare to be a Daniel pt4  051423

Dare to be a Daniel pt3  050723

Dare to be a Daniel pt2  043023

Dare to be a Daniel pt1  042323

Looking at Things Unseen  041623

The Palms of Resurrection  040923

The Palms of Annointing  040223

Treasures in Jars of Clay pt2  032623


Treasures in Jars of Clay pt1  031923

How I Became an Educational Consultant for Homeschool Misssionaries pt4  031223

How I Became an Educational Consultant for Homeschool Misssionaries pt3  030523

How I Became an Educational Consultant for Homeschool Misssionaries pt2  022623

How I Became an Educational Consultant for Homeschool Misssionaries pt1  021923

Know Your Enemy pt2  021223

Know Your Enemy pt1  012923

Faint Not pt2  012223


Faint Not pt1  011523

The Law the Word and the Family  010823